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On Demand Plenary Presentations
Please watch these pre-recorded presentations at your own pace. We encourage questions and comments on the videos and we are asking presenters to respond on the site.
Adapting Critical Operations |
Adapting and transforming critical workflows and digital task management: an ITSD case study Lewis McGibbney, Cindy Trinh, Randy Moss, Todd Stoudnor, Yukio Sawada, Jeffrey Ma, Jonathan Young, and Christopher Berg, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Video ♦ Presentation ♦ Bio |
Adapting Landsat 9 Launch Preparations to COVID Restrictions John Teter and Tegan Collier, The Aerospace Corporation Video ♦ Presentation ♦ Bio |
Enterprise Ground Services – Fight as an Enterprise MVP & Service Delivery Roadmap Brian DeLong, SMC/ECX/ECXG Jeff Demetrelis, The Aerospace Corporation Video ♦ Presentation ♦ Bio |
Federated Knowledge Discovery: The Future of Ground System Architectures to Combat IoT and Pandemic Data Growth Henry Mottesheard, National-Geospatial Intelligence Agency Video Unavailable ♦ Presentation ♦ Bio |
Using UX to reduce operator feedback challenges in a social distanced world Alysia Palmer, The Stratagem Group Video ♦ Presentation ♦ Bio |