Tutorials GSAW 2021 Tutorials Return to GSAW 2021 Proceedings The recordings for the tutorials are no longer available. A. Mission Ops and Ground Systems 101: Why and How Your Ground System is Driven by Your Space Mission B. Ground Systems Overview C. Architecture and Technology Considerations for Ground D. Introduction To Satellite Communications E. Realizing Cloud-based Satellite Operations: Best Practices & Lessons Learned F. Software Defined Networking Leveraging Cloud Processing for Ground Satellite Operations G. Consideration in Planning to Use Commercial Ground Networks H. Agile Acquisition: Differences, Similarities, and How to Implement I. DevOps/DevSecOps and Agile J. CCSDS Course – Review of the international standards for space communications K. Adapting Critical Operations, Providing Federated Edge AI to the Ground System Operations L. Demystifying Machine and Deep Learning M. Trusted Artificial Intelligence N. Model Based Systems Engineering for Ground Systems Return to GSAW 2021 Proceedings