DevSecOps and Cloud

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On Demand Plenary Presentations

Please watch these pre-recorded presentations at your own pace. We encourage questions and comments on the videos and we are asking presenters to respond on the site.

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DevSecOps and Cloud

A Modern Software Factory
Robert Marx and Nadim Nakhleh, Lockheed Martin
Earth Observing Data Distribution and Visualization Using the Cloud – DevSecOps
Jay Pennington, Will Coffey, Spencer Drakontaidis, Morgan Williams, Alan Christopher, and Phillip Jasper, The Aerospace Corporation
Earth Observing Data Distribution and Visualization Using the Cloud – Overview
Jay Pennington, Morgan Williams, Will Coffey, Spencer Drakontaidis, Alan Christopher, and Phillip Jasper, The Aerospace Corporation
Enterprise Cloud Strategy
Jeff Demetrelis, The Aerospace Corporation
Brian DeLong, SSC/ECX/ECXG
Learning from Legacy Systems: Identifying the Monolithic Services to Redesign for Microservices
William Brooks, Keaton Foster, and Waihini Gaditano, The Boeing Company
On-demand Ground Data System (GDS) using a Cloud Architecture
Costin Radulescu, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Software Orchestration and Virtualization Reference Architecture for Ground Entry Points
Chris Badgett, Kratos Space

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