2025 Featured Plenary Speakers
Speakers will be continuously added as we approach the event. Check back regularly to view the latest additions to the program!
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Session 1: Advanced Ground
Sven Richter
Galileo: Upgrading One of the Most Complex Ground Segments Without Impacting Four Billion Users
James Eggleston
Towards Service Based Operations
Ella Herz
NOAA Communications Scheduling is EASI (Enterprise Automated Scheduling Implementation)
Session 2: Automation Efficiency
Gabriele De Canio
Artificial Intelligence for Mission Operations Automation Roadmap: The European Space Operations Centre Updates and Vision
Michael Morgan
Optimizing User Effectiveness in Future European Missions
Chris Hoffman
MOC Automation with GMSEC and the Generic Extendable Message Utility (GEMU)
Session 3: Data Engineering and Advanced Analytics
Evridiki Ntagiou
Data-X: Pioneering the Future of Data in Mission Operations
Rudy Semola
Continual Learning for On-Ground Satellite Health Monitoring
Amaya Atencia
Challenges of Space Data Digital Economy
Session 4: Anomaly Detection
Shannon Bull
Maximizing Operator Impact: Leveraging Machine Learning to Improve Trending Analysis for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
Ra’ad Saleh
Implementation and Feasibility of Using AI/ML Methods for Satellite Anomaly Detection, Diagnostics, and Resolution.
Cody Cutright
Model-based Automation of Mission Operations & Testing with Digital Twins
Session 5: Mission Data Processing
Steven Bouchired
A Stepwise Approach to Evolve the European Galileo Ground Segment towards Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
Patricia Harrington-Duff
Ground System Real-time Image Processing of DRACO Observations for the DART Mission
Jordan Scott
Bridging the Void: Next Gen CDS for Space Systems
Session 6: Cloud and Virtualization
Mercedes Sánchez Manzano
New needs in Ground Segment, GMV tools for GSaaS
Kristian Knudtzon
Reducing the Maritime Domain Awareness Observe, Orient, Decide, Act (OODA) Loop: Applications of Ground Segment as a Service and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning for Rapid Earth Observation
Ronak Patel
Enterprise Engineering to Simplify External System Integration
Session 7: Communications
David Mitlyng
Optical Ground Stations & Quantum Advancements in Timing and Encryption in Contested and Congested Environments
Kenneth Watts
NESDIS Antennas as a Service (NAaaS) An Enterprise Common Service Paradigm Shift
Harris Mohamed
Methods of Detecting Electromagnetic Interference in Passive Radio Frequency Data
Session 8: Modeling and Simulation
Federico Antonello
Enhancing Spacecraft Operations with Digital Twins Solutions
Dr. Jeffery Hansen
Flexible and Extensible Drift Monitoring in Machine Learning Systems
Maciej Prokopczyk
Infrastructure for Automated Management of Spacecraft Digital Twins and Enhancing Simulator Fidelity with ML
Wednesday, February 25, 2025
Session 9: Trusted Artificial Intelligence
Pamela Wood
Trusted Autonomy: A Survey of Current Methods and Approaches
Michael Orosz
Lessons Learned in Implementing DoD Space-Based Agile/DevSecOps Programs
Ipek Ozkaya
Shift Left with Generative AI: Automating Library Replacement
Session 10: Large Language Models & Retrieval Augmented Generation
Samuel Morgan
Using Machine Learning and Industry Collaboration to Predict Space Weather. Part II – The Computation and Data Management Challenge
Alefiya Hussain
A Generative AI-Powered Framework for Spacecraft Risk Management—A Pilot Project with the Aerospace Corporation and University of Southern California (USC)