GSAW 2003 Agenda & Presentations

“Applying Lessons Learned and Emerging Technologies to Drive Future Ground System Architectures”

Select to view agenda:

Tuesday, March 4, 2003
Wednesday, March 5, 2003
Thursday, March 6, 2003

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Tuesday, March 4, 2003

Introduction and Announcements
Mark Walker, GSAW 2003 General Chair, The Aerospace Corporation

Session 1: Keynote Session
Session Chair: John Parsons, The Aerospace Corporation

Welcome Address
John Parsons, Senior Vice President, Space Systems Group, The Aerospace Corporation

Future of Ground Systems for Scientific Spacecraft
Lt. Gen. Eugene L. Tattini (Ret. USAF), Deputy Director, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Ground Systems – Providing Effects to the Warfighter (Briefing Charts Not Available)
Maj. Gen. Craig R. Cooning, Vice Commander, Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center

Session 2: Impacts of Lifecycle Architecting Decisions
Session Chair: Rick Johnson, The Aerospace Corporation 

Acquisition of a COTS-Based Command and Control System for Legacy and New Satellites
Maj. Joseph J. Romero, Lt. Col. Stephen D. Hargis, Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center; Capt. Edmund J. Bohn, Air Force Space Command; and Sidney Hollander, The Aerospace Corporation

SCOS-2000 – ESA’s Spacecraft Control for the 21st Century
Nestor Peccia, Mauro Pecchioli, European Space Agency

Satellite Operations on $15 a Day
Hank Tseu, Jeff Jacobsen, Mark Lafferty, Cesar Lindo, Steve Sponaugle, The Boeing Company

The Jason Satellite Telemetry, Command and Communication Subsystem (JTCCS)
Mike de Gyurky, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Session 3: Special Keynote Session: Interplanetary Internet
Session Chair: Adrian Hooke, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Interplanetary Internet
Adrian Hooke, Manager of the InterPlaNetary Internet (IPN) Project, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Advanced Internet Technologies for Spacecraft TT&C (Briefing Charts Not Available)
Keith Scott, The MITRE Corporation

CCSDS File Delivery Protocol in Delay-Tolerant Networking
Scott Burleigh, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Session 4: Progress with Space Link Extension (SLE) Standards
Session Chair: Susan Kurtik, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Air Force Satellite Control Network Interoperability
Lance Williams, Northrop Grumman Mission Systems; Carl Sunshine, The Aerospace Corporation

NASA/AFSCN/NOAA/Lockheed Martin Ground Network and Space Network Interoperability Plans
Lindolfo Martinez, Lockheed Martin Space Operations

Standards-Based TT&C Service Management: Prototype Applications and User Involvement
John Pietras, Global Science and Technology, Inc.

Session 5: Assuring Mission Success
Session Chair: Joseph Betser, The Aerospace Corporation

Ground Software Errors Can Cause Satellites to Fail Too – Lessons Learned
Paul Cheng, The Aerospace Corporation

Extending COCOMO II to Estimate the Cost of Developing Secure Software
Edward Colbert, Murali Gangadharan, Don Reifer, Barry Boehm, University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering

Reducing System Acquisition Risk with Software Architecture Analysis and Evaluation
John Bergey, Matt Fisher, Lawrence Jones, Software Engineering Institute

Recovery-Oriented Ground Systems
James Cutler, Stanford University

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Wednesday, March 5, 2003

Introduction and Announcements
Mark Walker, GSAW 2003 General Chair, The Aerospace Corporation

Session 6: Standards as Enablers
Session Chair: Marilee Wheaton, The Aerospace Corporation

Lessons from the Ground (No Briefing Charts)
Vernon Grapes, Chief of Systems Engineering, Ground Systems Office, National Reconnaissance Office

Ground Systems – Challenges and Opportunities
Donald R. Walker, Vice President, National Space Systems Engineering, The Aerospace Corporation

Session 7: Architecting for Future Operations
Session Chair: James Cutler, Stanford University

Standards- and Component-Based Mission Operations Architecture at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
Dan Smith, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

The NASA/GSFC Advanced Data Grid: A Prototype for Future Earth Science Ground System Architectures
Samuel D. Gasster, Craig A. Lee, Brooks Davis, Matt Clark, Mike AuYeung, John R. Wilson, The Aerospace Corporation; Debra M. Ladwig, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Architecting for the Future: Some Lessons Learned
Suzanne Hughes, National Reconnaissance Office

AF Satellite Control Network Architectural Approach
Richard Russel, Northrop Grumman Corporation

Session 8: Breakout Sessions

Session 8A: Architecture-Centric Evolution of Software Intensive Systems
Session Chairs: Sergio Alvarado, Michael Hogan, Phillip Schmidt, The Aerospace Corporation; John Georgas, Institute for Software Research at the University of California, Irvine

New Roles for Architecture
Maj. Christopher Beres, Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center

Architecture: Acquisition’s Holistic Medicine
Capt. Marc Raphael, Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center

Architectural-Centric Representation for Design Diversity and Program Evolution
Phillip Schmidt, Sergio Alvarado, Jesus Rivera, Jaime Milstein, The Aerospace Corporation

From Cradle to Grave: An Architecture Substrate for Software Lifecycles
Nicolas Rouquette, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Usability Constraints on Architecture Development and Use
John Reeves, Northrop Grumman Mission Systems

A Focused Approach to Software Architectural Recovery
Nenad Medvidovic, Vladimir Jakobac, University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering

Recommendations for Architecture-Centric Software Supporting Self-Adaptive Behavior
John Georgas, Institute for Software Research at the University of California, Irvine

An Adaptable and Market-Driven Command and Control Architecture
Scott Norcross, L3 Communications Corporation

Deploying a Common Software Architecture for Real Time Launch, Test and Satellite Ground Systems
Rob Andzik, Real Time Logic, Inc.

Balancing Generic Software Component Design with Tailored COTS Solutions
J. Mike Gilmore, Raytheon Company

Architecture Granularity – A COTS Vendor’s Perspective
Barry Grasso, Integral Systems, Inc.

Session 8B: Managing Commercial-Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Integration for High Integrity Systems
Session Chairs: Karen Owens, Suellen Eslinger, Geri Chaudhri, The Aerospace Corporation; Ron Kohl, R.J. Kohl & Associates

Quantitative Management of COTS-Based Systems: The Role of Cost Estimation
Marilee Wheaton, The Aerospace Corporation; Steven Wong, Northrop-Grumman Mission Systems

Managing COTS Integration for High Integrity Systems: Observations from the COCOTS Database
Betsy Clark, Software Metrics, Inc.

COTS or Development: Simulation Tools for Ground System Integration
Tom Tillman, L-3 Communications Corporation

The Role of Architecture in Managing COTS Based High Integrity Systems
Rod Davis, Command and Control Technology

COTS Based Systems Issues
Ron Kohl, R.J. Kohl & Associates; Karen Owens, Suellen Eslinger, The Aerospace Corporation

Session 8C: Distributed Ground Systems
Session Chair: Donna Sellers, NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center

Case for Deploying Complex Systems Utilizing Commodity Components
R. Lee Pitts, Barry S. Bryant, Lockheed Martin Space Operations

Telescience Resource Kit
Michelle Schneider, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

Utilization of Internet Protocol-Based Voice Systems in Remote Payload Operations
Susan Best, Kelvin Nichols, Bob Bradford, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

Coordination and Monitoring for Ground Control and Distributed Resources
Michael Kantor, Institute for Software Research at the University of California, Irvine

Planning Systems for Distributed Operations
Theresa Maxwell, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

ISS Space-based Science Operations Grid for the Ground  Systems Architecture Workshop (GSAW)
Clara Welch, Bob Bradford, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

Session 8D: Network Standards and Interoperability
Session Chair: Carl Sunshine, The Aerospace Corporation

Lockheed Martin/CSOC SLE Management Service Request Prototype
Andrew Schreckenghost, Lockheed Martin Space Operations; Steven Autry, Lockheed Martin Enterprise Systems

JPL Space Link Extension Service Management Prototype Effort An Overview
Erik Barkley, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Progress Report on the UK SLE Prototype
Hugh Kelliher, VEGA Group PLC

Lockheed Martin/CSOC Space Link Extension (SLE) Test bed Status
Scott Jakl, Jeff Boxell, Lockheed Martin Space Operations

Proposal for the Application of CCSDS Space Link Extension to NASA Human Space Flight Missions
Larry Muzny, Jeff Boxell, Lockheed Martin Space Operations

STS-107 Case Study: End-to-End IP Space Communication Architecture
Keith Hogie, Computer Sciences Corporation

Layering IT Services for a Planetary “Exploration Web”
Norm Lamarra, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Session 8E: Business Cases
Session Chair: Patricia Maloney, The Aerospace Corporation

Space Acquisition Strategy – Just How Important is the Ground Segment?
Mary A. Rich, Steven Lazar, Joseph Betser, The Aerospace Corporation

NASA Ground Network Evolution: Designing for Best Value
Roger Clason, Bill Watson, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; Jill Matalavage, Luis Tsuji, Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.

Mission Operations Comparison Study
Larry B. Sidor, Phil H. Young, Oliver F. Blackshire, The Aerospace Corporation

COSYSMO: COnstructive SYStems Engineering Cost MOdel
Barry W. Boehm, Donald J. Reifer, Ricardo Valerdi, University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering

Jason-1 Satellite Telemetry, Command and Communications Subsystem (JTCCS)
Mike de Gyurky, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

UML-based Object-Oriented Metrics for Architecture Complexity Analysis
Peter In, SangEun Kim, Texas A&M University; Matthew R. Barry, United Space Alliance

Session 8F: Mission Assurance
Session Chairs: Joseph Betser, Charles Lavine, The Aerospace Corporation

Maintaining Situational Awareness in On-Demand Distributed Space Operations
Jeffrey Fox, Jean Fox, Jaime Gray, mobileFOUNDATIONS, Inc.

Rigorous and Traceable Decomposition and Recomposition of Security Requirements
Leo Marcus, The Aerospace Corporation

Dynamic Access for the Future NASA Space Communications Network
Michael Hadjitheodosiou, Hui Zeng, Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland

Extended Validation and Verification for Situation-Aware Middleware Architectures
SangEun Kim, Peter In, Texas A&M University; Ramesh Bharadwaj, Naval Research Laboratory

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Thursday, March 6, 2003

Introduction and Announcements
Mark Walker, GSAW 2003 General Chair, The Aerospace Corporation

Session 9: Keynote Session
Session Chair: Judy Kerner, The Aerospace Corporation

Software Architecture Challenges for Complex Systems of Systems
Barry Boehm, Director, University of Southern California Center for Software Engineering

Session 10: Architectural Representation and Methods
Session Chair: Walter Green, The Aerospace Corporation

Supporting an Architecture-Based Approach to Systems Modeling
John Georgas, Institute for Software Research at the University of California, Irvine

Improving CDRL Production – a Northrop Grumman Mission Systems Six Sigma Initiative
Paul Davis, Northrop Grumman Mission Systems

Space Data Systems Reference Architecture
Peter Shames, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Session 11: Breakout Session Outbriefings
Session Chair: Michael Hogan, The Aerospace Corporation

Session 8A: Architecture-Centric Evolution of Software-Intensive Systems
Session Chairs: Sergio Alvarado, Michael Hogan, Phillip Schmidt, The Aerospace Corporation; John Georgas, Institute for Software Research at the University of California, Irvine

Session 8B: Managing Commercial-Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Integration for High Security Systems
Session Chairs: Karen Owens, Suellen Eslinger, Geri Chaudri, The Aerospace Corporation; Ron Kohl, R.J. Kohl & Associates

Session 8C: Distributed Ground Systems
Session Chair: Donna Sellers, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

Session 8D: Network Standards and Interoperability
Session Chair: Carl Sunshine, The Aerospace Corporation

Session 8E: Business Cases
Session Chair: Patricia Maloney, The Aerospace Corporation

Session 8F: Mission Assurance
Session Chairs: Joseph Betser, Charles Lavine, The Aerospace Corporation

Session 12: Summary Session
Judy Kerner, The Aerospace Corporation

Session 13: Panel Discussion: Applying Lessons Learned and Emerging Technologies to Drive Future Ground System Architectures
Session Chair: Carl Sunshine, The Aerospace Corporation

Col. Ivette Falto-Heck
Chief Engineer, Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center

Mike Mader
NPOESS Assistant Program Director and Vice President, Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems

Linda Northrop
Director, Product Line Systems Program, Software Engineering Institute

Mary A. Rich
Principal Director, Software Engineering Subdivision, The Aerospace Corporation

Richard N. Taylor
Director, Institute for Software Research at the University of California, Irvine

Pat Woods
Vice President of Government Systems, Integral Systems, Inc.

Workshop Conclusion

End of GSAW 2003

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