Digital Engineering

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On Demand Plenary Presentations

Please watch these pre-recorded presentations at your own pace. We encourage questions and comments on the videos and we are asking presenters to respond on the site.

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Digital Engineering

An operations preparation ecosystem
Francois Trifin, Anthony Walsh, and Catherine Lannes, European Space Agency
Authoritative Source of Truth (ASOT) to Analysis Using Huddle
Aaren Rice, Curtis Iwata, and Leah Ruckle, The Aerospace Corporation
C-Deck Enterprise Engineering: Mission Thread Analysis Process Overview
Maj Carl Rossini, USSF Space C2
John Silvas, and Connor Wynveen, Booz Allen Hamilton
Model Based Spacecraft Operations and Anomaly Resolution
Alexander Chang, Robert Wallsgrove, Jake Singh, and Katrina Baumgarten, The Aerospace Corporation
Model Based Systems Engineering and Critical Function Security: Assessing CubeSats as an Exemplar Mission
Jim Johansen, The Aerospace Corporation
Modeling DevSecOps to Reduce the Time-to-Deploy and Increase Resiliency
Timothy Chick, Aaron Reffett, Nataliya Shevchenko, and Joseph Yankel, Carnegie Mellon University – Software Engineering Institute (CMU-SEI)


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