Presenter Guidelines

Plenary Presentations

Presenter Guidelines - PDF Format
Permission to Reprint Form - PDF Format

GSAW Presenter,

Thank you for considering delivering a presentation at GSAW. Please read the following guidelines very carefully. They will help you in assembling your presentation and successfully presenting it to the workshop.

Important Deadlines: Please note the following deadlines for material submissions. Please send your material to

Proposals must be received by: Nov. 4, 2024
Acceptance/Non-Acceptance Notices Sent Dec. 2, 2024
Accepted Presentations and Release Forms Due: Jan. 27, 2025

Proposal Submission:

  • Obtain a submission form at
  • Fill it out completely and submit to by the deadline.
  • Slides are not required at this point.
  • Your submission will be reviewed, and we will notify you of your acceptance/non-acceptance on the date listed above.

Advertising Restriction: Remember that presentations must be educational in nature and NOT the marketing of specific products, services, or programs. Your technical content and expertise serve as an outstanding advertisement for your organization without the sales-pitch.

Clearance Information: For the general sessions, ensure there is NO classified or controlled information in your proposal or presentation. GSAW is an international event, and foreign nationals will be in attendance. Presentation slides will also be posted on the public GSAW website. If your organization has concerns about security or proprietary information, check to see if your briefing charts need to be cleared for publication. (All employees of Aerospace are required to have proposals and presentations cleared through the Office of Technical Relations.) You should begin the clearance process as soon as possible to ensure you do not miss any deadlines and that our committee can review your submission. GSAW is not responsible for verifying the classification level of your presentation.

Dr. Barry Boehm Award for Best Presentation: The Dr. Barry Boehm Award for Best Presentation will be presented at the general session. We will attempt to notify the winner on Feb. 26 and present the award on the morning of Feb. 27. Presenters serving on the GSAW Committees are not eligible for this award.

Time Allotted: Speakers presenting in a plenary session are scheduled to speak for 15 minutes, with five additional minutes allowed for questions and answers from the audience. A timer will be used for all presentations. Your Session Chair is responsible for ensuring that your presentation and Q&A session end on-time so they will interrupt your presentation if necessary. GSAW is tightly scheduled, so please stick to your time allocation.

Resources: Plenary presentations will be hosted on a PC running Windows 10, Microsoft Office 365, and Adobe Acrobat Reader. A computer projector will be provided. Plenary presenters will be provided with a lapel microphone and a remote for advancing the slides. Our microphones work best when the antenna unit is clipped to a belt and the microphone is attached near the center of your chest. You should consider this in choosing your presentation attire.

Requested Format: Charts produced by the PC version of Microsoft PowerPoint 2013, 2016 or 365 are preferred. If you require some other application to display your charts, please contact us well in advance. In creating your slides, note that the presentation room is large and you should consider this in your selection of larger fonts, diagram size, etc. At a minimum, a 20-point font is recommended.

Although discouraged, last minute updated presentations can only be received via email to

Permission to Reprint Form: Presenters of accepted proposals will receive a Permission to Reprint Form that must be signed and returned to us by Jan. 27, 2025. This form allows us to include your presentation in the proceedings.

In addition to signing the Permission to Reprint Form, the following copyright statement must be placed on the title page of every presentation that will be published in the proceedings:
© 2025 by <presenter’s organization>. Published by The Aerospace Corporation with permission.

If you are an employee of The Aerospace Corporation, use the following:
© 2025 The Aerospace Corporation

Presentation Submittal: Prior to Jan. 27, 2025, email a copy of your briefing charts to your Session Chair and

“Slide Driving”: Plenary presenters will be given a remote for controlling their charts. If preferred, we can advance the charts for you, but you are reminded that only you are familiar with the charts and you will have to cue the PC operator. Slides with animation are particularly troublesome when someone other than the presenter is advancing them. If you require us to advance your slides, please inform us with your submission and again prior to your session at GSAW.

Registration: Registration opens in December and can be completed online at

Hotel Reservations: If you have not already made hotel reservations, please note that the Renaissance Los Angeles Airport Hotel (1-310-337-2800) will only hold rooms at the GSAW rate on a first-come, first-served basis. After that, GSAW reservation rates will be accommodated on a “space available” basis. Remember to inform the hotel you are there for “GSAW”. Hotel info can be found at

Check-in: There will be a GSAW check-in desk in the hotel. Please check in and obtain a badge.

Agenda: The overview agenda will be posted at

Proceedings: A few weeks after the workshop, your presentation slides will also be posted on the GSAW website (

Session Chair: Your session chair will be contacting you to discuss the information above and to act as your liaison for GSAW. Please ensure that you understand the guidelines detailed here and address any questions you may have to your session chair or to

COVID-19 Procedures “Know before you Go”: Proof of vaccination, masks and social distancing could be required based on COVID site levels at the time of the event. Updated information will be provided as the workshop date approaches via registration website and/or via the email you provide at registration.

We appreciate your interest in GSAW. With your participation, we look forward to a very successful workshop.

GSAW Program Committee