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On Demand Plenary Presentations
Please watch these pre-recorded presentations at your own pace. We encourage questions and comments on the videos and we are asking presenters to respond on the site.
Operations |
Cloud-Enabled TT&C as a Service Katherine Monson and John Heskett, Kongsberg Satellite Services (KSAT) Video Unavailable ♦ Presentation ♦ Bio |
Creating an Interface to View Multi-Spacecraft Swarm Telemetry Elaine Zheng, Daniel Cellucci, and Steven Hu, NASA Ames Research Center Video ♦ Presentation ♦ Bio |
From Mission-Centric towards Infrastructure-Centric Processes and Services Anthony Walsh, ESA/ESOC Video ♦ Presentation ♦ Bio |
Lumos Shawn Abernethy Jr. and Bill Delude, Stratagem Group Emily Lambert, Thomas Kelecy, Weston Faber, and Taylor Nave, L3Harris Video ♦ Presentation ♦ Bio |
Passive RF in Support of Closely Spaced Objects Scenarios Kameron Simon, Kratos Video ♦ Presentation ♦ Bio |
Using GMSEC and Virtual Reality for Mission Operations Situational Awareness Thomas Grubb, NASA GSFC Billy Gallagher, SAIC Video ♦ Presentation Available Upon Request ♦ Bio |
Using UX to reduce operator feedback challenges in a social distanced world Alysia Palmer, The Stratagem Group Video ♦ Presentation ♦ Bio |