
Return to GSAW 2021 Proceedings

On Demand Plenary Presentations

Please watch these pre-recorded presentations at your own pace. We encourage questions and comments on the videos and we are asking presenters to respond on the site.

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Cloud-Enabled TT&C as a Service
Katherine Monson and John Heskett, Kongsberg Satellite Services (KSAT)
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Creating an Interface to View Multi-Spacecraft Swarm Telemetry
Elaine Zheng, Daniel Cellucci, and Steven Hu, NASA Ames Research Center
From Mission-Centric towards Infrastructure-Centric Processes and Services
Anthony Walsh, ESA/ESOC
Shawn Abernethy Jr. and Bill Delude, Stratagem Group
Emily Lambert, Thomas Kelecy, Weston Faber, and Taylor Nave, L3Harris
Passive RF in Support of Closely Spaced Objects Scenarios
Kameron Simon, Kratos
Using GMSEC and Virtual Reality for Mission Operations Situational Awareness
Thomas Grubb, NASA GSFC
Billy Gallagher, SAIC
Video ♦ Presentation Available Upon Request ♦ Bio
Using UX to reduce operator feedback challenges in a social distanced world
Alysia Palmer, The Stratagem Group


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