GSAW 2013 Agenda, Presentations, & Tutorials
“Doing More with Less”
Select to view agenda:
Monday, March 18, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Monday, March 18, 2013
Chair: Rick Johnson, The Aerospace Corporation
A. Introduction to Ground Systems
Instructors: James Anderson, Donald Town, The Aerospace Corporation
B. Cloud Computing for Ground Systems
Instructors: Craig Lee, Douglas Enright, The Aerospace Corporation; Steve Crago, USC/Information Sciences Institute (ISI) East; Ramesh Rangachar, Creative Information Technology, Inc.
D. Agile Software Development in Defense Acquisition − A Mission Assurance Perspective
Instructor: Peter Hantos, The Aerospace Corporation
E. Cybersecurity in the Acquisition Process: The Transformed Lifecycle Risk Management Process
Instructors: Daniel Faigin, The Aerospace Corporation; Ron Ross, National Institute of Standards and Technology
F. Introduction to Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) Version 2.0
Instructor: Ann Reedy, Federated Enterprise Architecture Certification (FEAC) Institute
G. Introduction to Satellite Communications: Vehicle Telemetry & Command Paths
Instructors: Rob Andzik, Randy Culver, Jeff Papenfuss, AMERGINT Technologies
H. Cloud Technology Security
Instructors: Richard Lee, Elizabeth Scruggs, Meredith Hennan, The Aerospace Corporation
I. Strategies for XML Telemetric and Command Exchange (XTCE)
Instructors: Gerry Simon, Kratos Integral Systems; Brad Kizzort, Harris Corporation; Kevin Rice, ASRC Research and Technology Solutions
J. Cyber Security Mission Assurance Baseline
Instructors: Marybeth Panock, Mario Tinto, The Aerospace Corporation
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Session 1: Keynote Session
Introduction and Announcements
Frank Fong, GSAW 2013 General Chair, The Aerospace Corporation
Welcome Address (charts not available)
Dr. Wanda Austin, President and CEO, The Aerospace Corporation
Keynote Address (no charts)
Maj. Gen. Terrence Feehan, Vice Commander, Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center
Session 2: Architecture Approaches
Chair: Todd Kaiser, The Aerospace Corporation
The Main Concepts of the European Ground Systems − Common Core (EGS-CC)
Mauro Pecchioli, European Space Agency, ESA/ESOC; Juan María Carranza, European Space Agency, ESA/ESTEC
GRAIL: Achieving a Low Cost GDS within a Multimission Environment
Wallace Hu, Patricia Liggett, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
A Path Forward for Small Satellite Ground Architecture
Lt. Col. Joe Gueck, United States Air Force; MAJ Benjamin Seth Bowden, United States Army; Dave Williamson, National Reconnaissance Office
Cloud-Based Architectures in Ground Systems of Space Missions
Mehran Sarkarati, Mario Merri, Mariella Spada, European Space Agency, ESA/ESOC
Session 3: Transition to Operations
Chair: Judy Kerner, The Aerospace Corporation
Using Frameworks to Do More With Less
Donald Sather, Thomas Sullivan, The Aerospace Corporation
NuSTAR Ground Systems and Operations Approach – Lessons Learned
Manfred Bester, Bryce Roberts, Mark Lewis, William Marchant, Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley
Featured Lunchtime Speaker
Chair: Thom McVittie, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Image Processing in Mars Rover Operation (charts not available)
Bob Deen, Image Processing Operations Lead for Mars Exploration Rover (MER) and Mars Science Laboratory (MSL), NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Bio)
The Mars rovers Opportunity (MER) and Curiosity (MSL) find themselves in a different environment almost every day in operations — one that, unlike most orbital operations, is not precisely predictable. In this talk, Mr. Deen will describe how ground-based image processing is used as part of the daily operations cycles of the rovers to help operators understand this environment and drive the rovers safely while meeting their science objectives. The talk will feature Curiosity’s latest 3-D Imagery of Gale Crater on Mars.
Session 4: Standards
Chair: Carl Sunshine, The Aerospace Corporation
A Brief Story of a Success: The CCSDS
Nestor Peccia, European Space Agency, ESA/ESOC; Adrian Hooke, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Application of DoDAF 2.0 for NOAA’s JPSS Ground System and Project
Alan Jeffries, Jeff Hayden, Laura Ellen Dafoe, Jeffries Technology Solutions, Inc.; Robert Morgenstern, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
CCSDS Mission Operations Services are Getting Real!
Mario Merri, European Space Operations Center
Session 5: Security
Chair: Daniel Faigin, The Aerospace Corporation
Enabling GPS Information Sharing with Improved GPS OCX Security
Michael Worden, Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems
A Multilevel Secure MapReduce Framework for Cross-Domain Information Sharing in the Cloud
Thuy Nguyen, Cynthia Irvine, Jean Khosalim, Naval Postgraduate School
MSL Cyber Security Implementation
Glen Elliott, Bryan Johnson, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Session 6: Small Satellite Operations
Chair: Mike Hogan, The Aerospace Corporation
Reusable Toolset for an Easy-to-Build Payload Control Centre
Anne-Lise Camus, Gregory Pradels, CNES
A Low-Cost Distributed Ground Segment for Educational Nanosatellites
Michael Trowbridge, Bill Irelan, Quinn McGehan, Vignesh Muralidharan, Colorado Space Grant Consortium; Paul Blanchard, L-3 Telemetry Systems
Microsatellite M3MSat Ground Systems – Mission Planning System and Related VPN and Ground Segment Augmentation
Xuemin Wang, Defence R&D Canada (DRDC)
Session 7: Working Group Previews
Chair: Steve Benkufski, The Aerospace Corporation
Working Group 11A
Flight Software Effects on Ground Systems
Alan Unell, The Aerospace Corporation
Working Group 11B
Cloud Computing for Ground Systems III
Ramesh Rangachar, Creative Information Technology, Inc.; Craig Lee, The Aerospace Corporation
Working Group 11C
Practical Lessons Integrating Net-Centric and Legacy Ground Systems
Jeff Waters, SPAWAR; Mary Nichols, The Aerospace Corporation
Working Group 11D
Future SATOPS Planning and Architecture – Achieving Efficiencies in Fiscally Constrained Environment
Roberta Ewart, Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center
Working Group 11E
Achieving Cyber Resilience in a Budget Constrained World
Frank Belz, Marybeth Panock, The Aerospace Corporation
Working Group 11F
Model‐Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Approaches for Complex System Acquisition
Ryan Noguchi, Rob Pettit, The Aerospace Corporation
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Session 8: Keynote Session
Chair: Dan Smith, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Introduction and Announcements
Frank Fong, GSAW 2013 General Chair, The Aerospace Corporation
Keynote Address
John Muratore, Director of Vehicle Certification, SpaceX
Session 9: Development Approaches
Chair: Anil Agrawal, The Aerospace Corporation
Agile Versus Traditional: A Tale of Two Methodologies
Bret Rudnick, Northrop Grumman Information Systems
Government Open Source Software
G. Todd Kaiser, Raytheon IIS/EIS/C3
The Space Network (SN) Ground Segment Sustainment (SGSS) Project: Developing a COTS-Intensive Ground System
Linda Esker, Frank Herman, Madeline Diep, Kathleen Dangle, Fraunhofer USA; Jeremy Jacobsohn, GMV; Rick Saylor, Goddard Space Flight Center; Constance Hoffman, General Dynamics
Session 10: Automation
Chair: Nestor Peccia, European Space Operations Center, European Space Agency
Modeling the Effects of Automation on Crew Workload for Software-Based Systems
Eric Moyer, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems
Achieving Lights‐Out Operation of SMAP using Ground Data System Automation
Antonio Sanders, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Improving Software Performance through Human Interaction Learning (HIL)
James Crowder, Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems
Session 11: Working Groups
Chair: Steve Benkufski, The Aerospace Corporation
Session 11A: Flight Software Effects on Ground Systems
Chair: Alan Unell, The Aerospace Corporation
There are significant areas where flight software impacts the ground – telemetry, increasing vehicle telemetry, and the increased involvement in the ground to support poorly designed/tested software. In particular the discussion should try to elicit techniques that foster more collaboration between space and ground to minimize negative impacts.
These should include modeling and analysis, prototyping and system engineering topics (architecture included).
There will be a panel comprised of Government, industry, commercial and FFRDC representatives. Their experience level may cover the full life-cycle. It will be useful to get a representative from OPS that way we could understand how hard it can be to support the satellite if the flight software (FSW) is not well designed.
Each panel member could provide a brief introduction of where their experience fits into the life-cycle and the kinds of problems encountered, related to the topics above, and suggestions of solutions. These would be lessons learned and horror stories that focus us on improvement.
There should be a discussion of the feasibility of the solutions posed by each of the panel members together with an understanding of what solutions apply at which phase of the life-cycle.
GSAW Workshop Flight Software Effects on the Ground Human Error & Automation
Suzanne Dawes, The Aerospace Corporation
Flight Software Effects on Ground Systems
Nathaniel Parsons, Johns Hopkins University – Applied Physics Laboratory
SAVOIR Space AVionics Open Interface aRchitecture – The Avionics Reference Architecture
Nestor Peccia, ESA
Session 11B: Cloud Computing for Ground Systems III
Chairs: Ramesh Rangachar, Creative Information Technology Inc.; Craig Lee, The Aerospace Corporation
This is the third year of this working group. The main objective of the working group is to drive into specifics for the adoption of cloud computing in satellite ground systems. The Cloud Reference Model and Roadmap produced by Aerospace will be used to frame the discussion, while specific mission requirements will be used to prioritize initial steps. The working group will focus on:
• Necessary infrastructure and application service provider (ISP/ASP) capabilities,
• Security, identity management, and authorization in the cloud, and
• Big Data analytics in ground systems.
This working group will be a combination of presentations, panel discussion, and free format discussion on the focus issues mentioned above. Presenters and panelists will include ground systems providers, integrators, and operators, cloud solutions providers, and others interested in ground systems and cloud computing.
Autonomic Cloud Workflows and Cloud Federation
Craig Lee, The Aerospace Corporation
Secure Identity in Cloud Computing
Michelle Carter, The Aerospace Corporation
Commercial Imaging Constellation Meets Cloud Computing
Oliver Guinan, Skybox Imaging, Inc.
Stovepipes to Clouds
Rick Reid, SGI Federal
Transforming Science Data Systems (charts not available)
Thomas Huang, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Session 11C: Practical Lessons Integrating Net-Centric and Legacy Ground Systems
Chairs: Jeff Waters, SPAWAR; Mary Nichols, The Aerospace Corporation
Net-Centricity and by association Service-Oriented Architecture (NC/SOA) have been mandated by DoD and espoused in many other arenas for Ground System architectures. In commercial markets there have been successes and emerging expertise on what works and what does not. In general, DoD and other mission critical system domains are lagging and at times struggle to separate hype from true benefit. This Working Group seeks to share practitioners’ experiences in integration of net-centric satellite and launch ground systems, as well as integrating new capabilities with legacy ones, from both commercial, government, military and intelligence ground system developers, integrators and maintainer/operators.
Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC) Mission System (JMS) Common Data Model: Foundation for Interoperable Data Sharing for Space Situational Awareness
Maryann Hutchison, Kristen Kolarik, The Aerospace Corporation; Jeffry Waters, SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific
The CCSDS Navigation Working Group and Space Situational Awareness
David Berry, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
METERON Operations Environment and Prototype Robotic Services
Mehran Sarkarati, J. Raymaekers, K. Nergaard, European Space Agency
Reference Implementation Working Group (RIWG) Demonstration Scenario v1.0
Brendan Callahan, Modern Technology Solutions, Inc. (MTSI)
Enabling Interoperability in Space Situational Awareness (SSA)
Steve Bygren, The MITRE Corporation
A Communications Data Processor For ISS Ground Systems Using Standards and Software-Based Architectures
Rob Andzik, AMERGINT Technologies
Evolution of Net-Centric Data Services at the Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA)
Andy Sedlacek, Northrop Grumman Information Systems
Session 11D: Future SATOPS Planning and Architecture – Achieving Efficiencies in Fiscally Constrained Environment (charts not available)
Chair: Roberta Ewart, Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center
Speakers: LTC Steve Buzon, Shane David (NRO), LTC Michael “Lane” Gilchrist (SMC), Scott Erwin (AFRL), Matt Clark, Joe Betser, Carl Sunshine, Lyle Abramowitz, Steve Mazuk (Aerospace)
The Future SATOPS Working Group (FSWG) is focused on facilitating a discussion on the modernization of the interoperable SATOPS infrastructures, encompassing capabilities such as (but not limited to) Command and Control, Tracking, Telemetry, and Commanding (TT&C); Launch, Early Orbit, and Anomaly (LEO&A) resolution; and space situational awareness in support of the National Security Space community. In particular, FSWG is aimed at understanding the need to transition from existing constrained, contested spectrum environments to new spectrum/frequencies and advanced IP-based technology in order to maintain mission critical capabilities in a cost-efficient manner. Driven by fiscal constraints and potential budget opportunities (i.e., spectrum sell-off), the stage is set for recapitalization in a new environment whereby advanced IP and RF technologies can be brought to bear on existing shortfalls. The workshop requires an assessment of the recapitalization from at least four perspectives and aims to weave the following into a consolidated plan to improve the future of SATOPS:
1) Policy/Law and Spectrum Use and Allocation – The Spectrum Squeeze – Do More with Less
2) Scenarios/Use Cases – SATOPS Development Plan, SATOPS lessons Learned, GDPAA
3) S and T Inputs/Innovation – Cognitive Radios, Agile Space Radios
4) Flight Demos for the Year 2016 – Hosted payloads, IP-Enabled Fractionated Space Architectures, DARPA F6
This workshop will deliver to the GSAW audience and to the stakeholder community the following deliverables:
A. Identification of stakeholders
B. Identification of needed projects
C. A high-level Integrated Master Schedule calling for major milestones/deliverables going forward
Session 11E: Achieving Cyber Resilience in a Budget Constrained World
Chairs: Frank Belz, Marybeth Panock, The Aerospace Corporation
To an ever‐increasing degree, mission success in space will depend upon mission resilience in the presence of attacks conducted in whole or in part in Cyberspace. The longstanding emphasis on information assurance has shifted toward achieving cyber resilience. This is a major change, introducing new possibilities that, for the most part, have not yet been incorporated into our engineering and operational practices. Consider, for example, that space systems are cyber‐physical systems and that the physical aspects as much as the information aspects of these systems may be the targets of cyber attacks – the ubiquitous cyber infrastructure of our physical capabilities may simply be the means by which those physical capabilities are attacked. It is predictable that in the near future such attacks are likely to exploit weaknesses in the ground systems for space missions.
Additionally, the funds available to address these new challenges are expected to be in ever shorter supply over time. As a result, there has already been an increased emphasis on exploitation of multimission ground resources to achieve mission operations, including for example, migration to enterprise private cloud infrastructures. Such a migration introduces a whole new context for understanding what to do to achieve mission resilience.
In this working group, we will explore the new challenges we face and new options available to us for achieving mission / cyber resilience in a budget constrained world. For example, how can we optimize our selection of IA & Cyber functions and capabilities to maximize effectiveness and resiliency? This exploration will include the presentation of case studies and emerging techniques. It will span the system lifecycle including pre‐acquisition, development, operations and maintenance, and decommissioning phases. It will engage a panel and all working group participants in a open discussion driven by provocative questions designed to help us all to gain a better handle on the degree to which it is possible to re‐invent our approach to mission success in the presence of cyber threats and reduced funding profiles.
Session 11F: Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Approaches for Complex System Acquisition
Chairs: Ryan Noguchi, Rob Pettit, The Aerospace Corporation
The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and many practicing systems engineers envision Model‐Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) increasingly dominating the continuing evolution of systems engineering (SE), offering significant improvements over current document‐centric practices in addressing the complexities and acquisition responsiveness that increasingly complex systems will drive.
The methods, processes, and tools needed for the disciplined practice of MBSE are still an active area of research and development, and it may be many years before MBSE becomes the mainstream state of practice in the Government’s acquisition of complex systems. The continued maturation of MBSE capabilities and their successful demonstration in pilot and smaller acquisition projects is needed before MBSE can win over the “hearts and minds” of experienced systems engineers and program managers.
In this Working Group Session, we hope to foster a mutually beneficial discussion of the community’s lessons learned from the research, demonstration, and early production projects being conducted to advance the practice of MBSE.
Session 12: Evening Session
Chair: Anil Agrawal, The Aerospace Corporation
Session 12B:
Topic: NRO’s Continued Journey to Affordability for the Future
Speaker: CAPT Scott Margulis (charts not available)
Program Manager, NRO’s Intelligence Community Information Technology Enterprise (IC ITE) Transition Program
CAPT Margulis will discuss NRO’s journey to a common mission environment following the path defined in 2011 (Test It, Prove It, Use It, Exploit It). He will highlight recent NRO executive decisions, including an emphasis on how applications development changes will pave an affordability path for the future. CAPT Margulis will also highlight NRO’s ongoing support for the Intelligence Community Information Technology Enterprise (IC ITE).
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Session 13: Keynote Session
Chair: Dan Smith, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Introduction and Announcements
Frank Fong, GSAW 2013 General Chair, The Aerospace Corporation
Best Presentation Award
Keynote Address (charts not available)
Tina Harrington, Director, Systems Engineering Directorate, National Reconnaissance Office
Session 14: Panel Discussion “Doing More with Less”
Chair: Navneet Mezcciani, The Aerospace Corporation
Asya Campbell – Moderator, Principal Director, Software Engineering Subdivision, The Aerospace Corporation
Dr. Manfred Bester (Intro Charts)
Director of Operations
Space Sciences Laboratory
University of California, Berkeley
Dr. Mal De Ponte
Senior Vice President
National Systems Group
The Aerospace Corporation
Joan Differding
Multi-Mission Operations Center
NASA Ames Research Center
Col. Janet Grondin
Chief, Spacelift Range and Network Systems Division
Los Angeles Air Force Base
CAPT Scott Margulis
Program Manager, NRO’s Intelligence Community Information
Technology Enterprise (IC ITE) Transition Program
Juan Miro (Intro Charts)
Head of Ground Systems Engineering Department
European Space Agency
Gerry Simon (Intro Charts)
System Engineering/System Architect
Kratos — Integral Systems
Session 15: Summary Session
Chair: Steve Benkufski, The Aerospace Corporation
Working Group Outbriefs
Session 11A: Flight Software Effects on Ground Systems
Alan Unell, The Aerospace Corporation
Session 11B: Cloud Computing for Ground Systems III
Craig Lee, The Aerospace Corporation
Session 11C: Practical Lessons Integrating Net-Centric and Legacy Ground Systems
MaryAnn Hutchison, The Aerospace Corporation
Session 11D: Future SATOPS Planning and Architecture – Achieving Efficiencies in Fiscally Constrained Environment (charts not available)
Joseph Betser, The Aerospace Corporation
Session 11E: Achieving Cyber Resilience in a Budget Constrained World
Frank Belz, The Aerospace Corporation
Session 11F: Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Approaches for Complex System Acquisition
Ryan Noguchi, The Aerospace Corporation
Workshop Summary
Dan Balderston, Judy Kerner, The Aerospace Corporation
Closing Remarks
Frank Fong, GSAW 2013 General Chair, The Aerospace Corporation
End of General Workshop
Top of Page
Sessions C16-C19
Special Session Agenda (held at The Aerospace Corporation)
Session C16: Keynote Session
Introduction and Announcements
Kalyani Rengarajan, Classified Workshop Chair, The Aerospace Corporation
Welcome Address
Dr. Mal De Ponte, Senior Vice President, National Systems Group, The Aerospace Corporation
Keynote Address
Dawn Meyerriecks, Assistant Director of National Intelligence for Acquisition, Technology, and Facilities, Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Session C17: Plenary Session
Session C18: Plenary Session
Session C19: Plenary Session
Closing Remarks
Networking Hour
End of GSAW 2013