GSAW 2010 Agenda, Presentations, & Tutorials

“Innovation on the Ground”

Select to view agenda:

Monday, March 1, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

Chairs: Mike Hogan, Dan Balderston, The Aerospace Corporation

A. Test Like You Fly (TLYF)
Instructors: Julia White, Lindsay Tilney, The Aerospace Corporation

B. Introduction to Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) Version 2.0
Instructor: Ann Reedy, Federated Enterprise Architecture Certification Institute

C. Introduction to Net-Centricity
Instructors: Mary Nichols, Scott Boone, Judy Kerner, Craig Lee, Bob Lindell, Leo Marcus, Matthew Presley, The Aerospace Corporation

D. Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) Tutorial
Instructor: Robert Ritter, Real Time Logic

E. Software Testing for Mission‐Critical Ground Systems
Instructor: Suellen Eslinger, The Aerospace Corporation

F. Incorporating Innovation in Today’s Ground System Acquisitions
Instructors: James Anderson, James Shneer, Donald Town, The Aerospace Corporation

G. XML Telemetry and Command Exchange (XTCE) Tutorial
Instructors: Kevin Rice, Global Science & Technology, Inc.; Brad Kizzort, Harris Corporation; Gerry Simon, Integral Systems, Inc.

H. Assessing Software Technology Readiness for National Security Space Programs
Instructor: Peter Hantos, The Aerospace Corporation

I. Strengths and Weaknesses of Architecture Approaches and Their Value Propositions
Instructor: Steven Fonseca, AdeptArch

J. Cybersecurity in the Ground System
Instructors: Marion Michaud, Russ Reopell, Emily Hawthorn, MITRE; Mikhael Felker, Bob Lindell, The Aerospace Corporation


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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Session 1: Keynote Session 

Introduction and Announcements
Jonathan Becker, GSAW 2010 General Chair, The Aerospace Corporation

Welcome Address
Dr. Wanda Austin, President and CEO, The Aerospace Corporation

Keynote Address (no charts)
Lt. Gen. John “Tom” Sheridan, Commander, Space and Missile Systems Center


Session 2: Innovative Use of Standards
Chair: Judy Kerner, The Aerospace Corporation

Standardization of Ground Systems Based on a Spacecraft Functional Model
Takahiro Yamada, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

Operationally Responsive Space Mission Service Interface— Prototyping a Compatible C2 Framework
Rico Espindola, The Aerospace Corporation; George Moretti, Modern Technology Solutions Inc.; Terry Gold, Booz Allen Hamilton; Patricia Klein, Naval Research Lab; Ben Lui, NASA/GSFC

European Technology Harmonization on Command Procedures
Simon Reid, Steve Pearson, Rhea System S.A.


Session 3: New Technology Approaches
Chair: Mike Hogan, The Aerospace Corporation

Geodesic Dome Phased Array Antenna: An AFSCN Upgrade Option
1st Lt Heather Moe, Space and Missile Systems Center

Architectural Impacts And Net-Centric Opportunities Using Network-Based Crypto Devices
Rob Andzik, AMERGINT Technologies

Ground Systems Automation – Advantages in Spacecraft Testing
(not presented at GSAW 2010)
U. N. Vasantha Kumari, ISRO Satellite Centre


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Working Group Previews:
Chair: Todd Kaiser, The Aerospace Corporation

Session 11A: Architecture-Centric Evolution (ACE) Working Group 2010
Sheri Benator, Sergio Alvarado, Phil Schmidt, Eric Dashofy, John Arcos, Mark Nixon, Scott Hendrickson, The Aerospace Corporation; Jeff Estefan, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Session 11B: Ground Space Technology Innovation within Agencies, Universities, and Industry—Same Purposes and Results?
Nestor Peccia, European Space Agency/ESOC

Session 11C: Mission Assurance Workshop for Ground Systems
Julia White, Al Hoheb, The Aerospace Corporation

Session 11D: Data Center Migration for Ground Systems: Geospatial Clouds
Craig Lee, The Aerospace Corporation

Session 11E: Flight Software Ground System Impacts
Alan Unell, Robert Pettit, The Aerospace Corporation

Session 11F: Future Ground System Software Estimation and Metrics
Barry Boehm, USC Systems Engineering Research Center; Bradford Clark, USC and SW Metrics; Ray Madachy, Navy PGS; Wilson Rosa, AF Cost Analysis Agency


Session 4: Special Speaker Session
Chair: Mal De Ponte, The Aerospace Corporation

California Dreamin’ on Ground Architectures
Dr. Pete Rustan, Director of the Mission Support Directorate, National Reconnaissance Office


Session 5: Networking Concepts
Chairs: Mary Rich, Sam Cantrell, The Aerospace Corporation

McMurdo Communications Architecture for Polar Environmental Satellite Data Retrieval
Chet Wolejsza, The Aerospace Corporation; Doug Whiteley, NPOESS Integrated Program Office; Joe Paciaroni, Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems

Disruption-Tolerant Networking Across Mission-Critical Ground Networks
Scott Burleigh, Jordan Torgerson, Joshua Schoolcraft, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology; Andrew Jenkins, Sebastian Kuzminsky, University of Colorado; Christopher Krupiarz, Johns Hopkins University


Session 6: Modernizing Operations
Chair: Larry Bergman, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Migration from a Legacy Ground System to a State-of-the-art, COTS-based System: Lessons Learned from Two Recent Programs
Gonzalo Garcia, Theresa Beech, Alicia Kavelaars, GMV Space Systems, Inc.

Modernizing SatOps Data Centers Using Strategic Technologies
Ramesh Rangachar, Intelsat

SWSA: Domain-Specific Software Architecture for Workflow-Based Science Data Systems
David Woollard, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Nenad Medvidovic, University of Southern California


Session 7: Building Multi-Mission Systems
Chair: Anil Agrawal, The Aerospace Corporation

Building a Multi-Mission Operations Center for Space Science
Rob Antonucci, Emergent Space Technologies

MMSOC GSA Mission Integration Suite (MI-S)
(not presented at GSAW 2010)
Charles Warrender, Kirtland Air Force Base; Gayla Walden, The Aerospace Corporation


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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Session 8: Keynote Session
Chair: Marilee Wheaton, The Aerospace Corporation

Introduction and Announcements
Jonathan Becker, GSAW 2010 General Chair, The Aerospace Corporation

Keynote Address
Pete Klupar, Engineering Director, (presenting for Dr. S. Pete Worden, Center Director), NASA Ames Research Center


Session 9: Designing for Service-Oriented Architectures
Chair: Rick Johnson, The Aerospace Corporation

Defining System Interfaces in System of Systems with SOA
Jean Tsao, Yeng-Zhong Lee, Northrop Grumman Corporation

Software Security Design Analysis for Net-Centric NSS Systems
Richard Yee, The Aerospace Corporation

Scalable Architecture for Multi-Level Security
Marc Peters, David Bettger, Boeing


Session 10: Effective Service-Oriented Architecture Applications
Chair: Frank Fong, The Aerospace Corporation

Advanced Software Technologies for the European Space Situational Awareness
Nestor Peccia (presenting for Mehran Sarkarati), Mehran Sarkarati, Mariella Spada, Gianpiero Di Girolamo, Serge Moulin, Daniel Fischer, European Space Agency/ESOC

Declarative Self-Expand Service Access Framework for NASA Mission Users
Jinghong Janice Chen, David Warren, Honeywell Technology Solution Inc.; Rose Pajerski, University of Maryland; Keiji Tasaki, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

The Benefits of a Service-Oriented Architecture for Flight Dynamics Systems
Brian Robinson, Michael Volle, David McKinely, a. i. solutions, Inc.


Session 11: Working Groups
Chair: Todd Kaiser, The Aerospace Corporation

Session 11A: Architecture-Centric Evolution Working Group 2010
Chairs: Sheri Benator, Sergio Alvarado, Phil Schmidt, Eric Dashofy, John Arcos, Mark Nixon, Scott Hendrickson, The Aerospace Corporation; Jeff Estefan, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

The Architecture-Centric Evolution (ACE) Working Group Session is the eighth of a GSAW series to promote the central role of software architectures during the acquisition and development of software-intensive systems. The ACE Session provides a forum for software-intensive system experts, users, developers, and researchers to collaborate and elucidate high-level recommendations for improving the representation, development, and analysis of software architectures. This year’s topic will be “Innovative Approaches to Software Architecture Development and Analysis.” The working group focus will be on innovative approaches in developing and analyzing software architectures, both those applied (along with experiences and lessons learned) and those in early or research stages. There will be several presentations on a range of topics from government, industry, and academia as well as questions and discussions addressing the current state of software architecture practice and lessons learned and the promise and pitfalls of model based techniques.

The working group will cover such topics as:

  • Evolution of GPS Control Segment as related to SW architecture
  • Role of software architecture as part of the NASA study on software complexity
  • Evolution of a SOA C2 System – SW architecture, challenges, & lessons learned
  • Use of new software development tools/strategies to enhance ability to deploy ground systems from product lines
  • Quantitative Architectural Modeling and Analysis Using AADL
  • Fault tolerant architectures: discussion of techniques ensuring system operation during periods of high loading and/or component failure
  • Domain-Specific Design Analysis and Code Generation Framework
  • Lessons Learned in current Applications of Model-Driven Engineering
  • Survey on model-based software development techniques


The Role of Software Architecture in Managing Complexity
Daniel Dvorak, JPL / Caltech

Evolution of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) C2 System – Advantages Sought, Lessons Learned, and Product Philosophies
Ryan Telkamp, Boeing

OSGi Framework in Ground Systems Product Lines
Chris Newton, Northrop Grumman

Fault Tolerant Architectures – Techniques Ensuring System Operation During Periods of High Loading and/or Component Failure
Stephen Harrington, Booz | Allen | Hamilton

Quantitative Architectural Modeling and Analysis Using AADL
Myron Hecht, Alex Lam, Chris Vogl, The Aerospace Corporation

Lessons Learned in the Current Application of Model-driven Engineering
Stephanie August, Steven Doran, Christina Chiu, Sukhanya Kethuneni, Matthew Shields, Mesrop Simonyan, Loyola Marymount University

Domain-Specific Model Analysis and Code-Generation Frameworks
George Edwards, USC Center for Systems and Software Engineering

A Survey of Model-Based Software Development
Yongjie Zheng, University of California, Irvine


Session 11B: Ground Space Technology Innovation within Agencies, Universities and Industry—Same purposes and results?
Chair: Nestor Peccia, European Space Agency/ESOC

Ground system innovations have several objectives including the ability to:

  • contribute to, encourage, and advance an overall innovation process of the space ground system sector
  • support national autonomy and maintain technical excellence in core activities
  • prepare and enable more capable and cost effective ground space programmes
  • develop new competencies and support competitiveness of industry in the global commercial market

Different ground teams have different needs and visions when considering innovation and its competitiveness aspects, such as:

  • Improved cost/benefit to user
  • Reduced response time to market
  • More cooperation between universities and industry (industry pull instead of science push)
  • Patents
  • Indicators/best practices/benchmarking
  • New applications and markets
  • Research

The main goal of the working group will be to provide a forum for space agencies, industry, and universities to discuss their ground system innovation strategies.


Ground Space Technology Innovation within Agencies, Universities and Industry – Same purposes and results?
Nestor Peccia, ESA/ESOC

Ground Space Technology Innovation – GMV’S Experience
Gonzalo Garcia, GMV Space Systems, Inc.

Oracle Exadata as a Research Platform
John Hax, Oracle Corporation

Innovation at JPL – GDS Modernization: A Case Study
Antonio Sanders, Jet Propulsion Laboratory


Session 11C: Mission Assurance Workshop for Ground Systems
Chairs: Julia White, Al Hoheb, The Aerospace Corporation

Mission assurance for space equipment and space systems has a relatively large body of work for guidance and compliance. These do not make clear which portions would be applicable to ground systems. Thus, ground system developers rarely use this body of work at all. We need to devise a strategy to adapt general purpose mission assurance techniques to apply specifically to ground systems.

The workshop will first provide an overview of the mission assurance body of knowledge and then identify the range of work that applies to ground systems. The interactive part will be to work on identifying holes in the work and potential remedies as a set of sub-teams. Teams will report out as part of the workshop results.


Mission Assurance Workshop for Ground Systems
Julie White, Al Hoheb, The Aerospace Corporation


Session 11D: Data Center Migration for Ground Systems: Geospatial Clouds
Chair: Craig Lee, The Aerospace Corporation

This session will explore the use of cloud computing to support ground system requirements. Broadly speaking, cloud computing entails the dynamic provisioning of processing, storage, and networks from a data center to essentially become a generic hosting environment. Cloud computing offers the potential for significant economies of scale, improved utilization of servers, more flexible allocation of resources, and workload management. Significant challenges, however, are also present, such as performance, security, and the lack of standards. For satellite ground systems, there is an additional dimension of managing geospatially referenced data through common tools.


Data Center Migration for Ground Systems: Geospatial Clouds
Craig Lee, The Aerospace Corporation

Cloud Computing in Ground Segments – Earth Observation processing campaigns
Fabrice Brito, Terradue Srl

Geoprocessing in the Cloud
Brian Levy, Open Solutions Group, Inc.

OGC Standards to Enable SensorWebs for Disaster Management
Daniel Mandl, NASA/GSFC

Eucalyptus-Based Event Correlation
Nehal Desai, The Aerospace Corporation


Session 11E: Flight Software Ground System Impacts
Chairs: Alan Unell, Robert Pettit, The Aerospace Corporation

A short session to discuss developmental and operational impacts of flight software on the ground system. This session will expand the work done in GSAW2008 and GSAW2009. There are significant areas where flight software impacts the ground—telemetry, increasing vehicle telemetry, and the increased involvement in the ground to support poorly designed and tested software. In particular, the discussion should try to elicit techniques that foster more collaboration between space and ground to minimize negative impacts.


The Marriage of Flight Software to Ground Systems
Gerry Simon, Integral Systems, Inc.

NPOESS Flight and Ground Software Verification: Insights, Issues and Lessons
Daniel Vanderwarker, The Aerospace Corporation

Flight System Operability Issues
Steven Wissler, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Flight Software Affects on Ground Systems – JAXA’s Approach –
Takahiro Yamada, JAXA/ISAS

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Session 11F: Future Ground System Software Estimation and Metrics
Chairs: Barry Boehm, USC Systems Engineering Research Center; Bradford Clark, USC and SW Metrics; Ray Madachy, Navy PGS; Wilson Rosa, AF Cost Analysis Agency

Future ground system software will have more complex sources of size and effort such as its use of model-driven and other types of software generators; its use of net-centric services; its involvement in systems of systems and families of systems; its need to more rapidly adapt to change; and its involvement in evolutionary acquisition and more agile methods. These bring with them the need for a next generation of software metrics and estimation methods, such as the incremental development productivity decline factor for estimating the reduction in productivity for later increments in evolutionary or incremental development. USC is working with the Air Force Cost Analysis Agency on the definition of such estimation methods and metrics, and on the development of a guidebook including their definition and use in first-order productivity estimation for various classes of software, including ground systems software. This working group will review and iterate drafts of these definitions and estimation factors for ground system software.


Current and Future Challenges for Software Cost Estimation and Data Collection
Barry Boehm, USC-CSSE

Productivity Data Analysis and Issues
Brad Clark, Tom Tan, LiGuo Huang, USC-CSSE

Application Domain Mapping
Brad Clark, USC-CSSE

for Working Group 11F


Session 12: Evening Session

Session 12A: Compatible Satellite C2—Progress and Challenges
Chairs: Ron Nishinaga, Don Sather, The Aerospace Corporation

The Joint Satellite Compatibility Committee, consisting of the NRO, AFSPC, NASA, and ORS, was formed at the last GSAW conference with a goal of addressing common command and control issues across the government space organizations. Principals from these organizations will discuss accomplishments, progress, and challenges towards establishing a compatible satellite bus command and control framework. This architecture will enable development of future satellite C2 capabilities that can be shared among programs with reduced acquisition cost and increased operational efficiency.

Compatible Satellite C2 – Progress and Challenges
Ron Nishinaga, The Aerospace Corporation

Joint SATOPS Compatible Committee (JSCC)
Don Sather, The Aerospace Corporation

SMC/SCNG Compatible Satellite C2 (Sat C2)
Capt Stephen Arnott, SMC/SCNG

SATOPS Enterprise Transformation
Maj Joe Gueck, HQ AFSPC/A5RC

Compatible Satellite C2 Progress and Challenges
Doug Harris, ORS Office

NASA’s Participation in Joint SatOPS Compatibility Efforts 2009-2010
Dan Smith, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center


Session 12B: Cybersecurity in the Ground System
Chair: Joe Bannister, The Aerospace Corporation

Understand what is new about cybersecurity as it relates to ground systems. Explore issues of networkcentric design and cybersecurity. Discuss plans going forward for national security space ground systems cyber requirements, system design and engineering, and research and development.


The Cyberspace Domain and Its Challenges to Space Systems Architecture
Frank Belz, The Aerospace Corporation; Nick Combs, EMC Federal; Josh Haines, MIT Lincoln Labs; Daryl Hild, MITRE

Cyber Challenges for Space Systems
Joshua Haines, MIT Lincoln Laboratory

Mission, System, Information, Cyber Assurance
Daryl Hild, G021, AF & COCOM Security

Speech by
Nick Combs, EMC


Session 12C: Special GSAW-SPIN-INCOSE Event
TOPIC: “Early Identification of Systems Engineering-Related Risks”

This session is co-sponsored by the Southern California Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN) and the Los Angeles Chapter of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE-LA).

Speakers: Barry Boehm, Dan Ingold, University of Southern California

Complex programs need effective systems engineering (SE) to succeed. Managers of these programs need early warning of any risks to achieving effective SE. A recent Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC) project synthesized a lean framework and toolset for early identification of SE-related program risks.

Unlike traditional schedule-based and event-based reviews, the SERC SE technology enables sponsors and performers to agree on the nature and use of more effective evidence-based reviews. These reviews enable early detection of missing SE capabilities or personnel competencies with respect to a SERC Framework of Goals, Critical Success Factors, and Questions.

Early Identification of Systems Engineering-Related Risks (Part I)
Barry Boehm, Dan Ingold, USC-CSSE

Early Identification of Systems Engineering-Related Risks (Part II)
Barry Boehm, Dan Ingold, USC CSSE


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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Session 13: Keynote Session
Chair: Zane Faught, The Aerospace Corporation

Introduction and Announcements
Jonathan Becker, GSAW 2010 General Chair, The Aerospace Corporation

Keynote Address (no charts)
Dr. Rami Razouk, Senior Vice President, Engineering and Technology Group, The Aerospace Corporation


Session 14: Panel Discussion: Innovation on the Ground
Chair: Dan Smith, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Dan Smith
Manager, Goddard Mission Services Evolution Center, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Manfred Bester (introduction)
Director of Operations, Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley

Roberta Ewart (introduction)
Chief Scientist, Space and Missile Systems Center

Doug Harris (introduction)
Operationally Responsive Space Office

Dave Linick (introduction)
Manager, Multimission Ground Systems and Services Office, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Nestor Peccia (introduction)
Head of Data Systems Infrastructure Division, European Space Agency/ESOC


Session 15: Summary Session
Chair: Todd Kaiser, The Aerospace Corporation

Working Group Outbriefs
Session 11A: Architecture-Centric Evolution Working Group 2010
Sergio Alvarado, The Aerospace Corporation

Session 11B: Ground Space Technology Innovation within Agencies, Universities and Industry—Same purposes and results?
Nestor Peccia, European Space Agency/ESOC

Session 11C: Mission Assurance Workshop for Ground Systems
Al Hoheb, The Aerospace Corporation

Session 11D: Data Center Migration for Ground Systems: Geospatial Clouds
Craig Lee, The Aerospace Corporation

Session 11E: Flight Software Ground System Impacts
Alan Unell, Robert Pettit, The Aerospace Corporation

Session 11F: Future Ground System Software Estimation and Metrics
Bradford Clark, USC and SW Metrics

Workshop Summary
Dan Balderston, Judy Kerner, The Aerospace Corporation

Closing Remarks
Todd Kaiser, GSAW 2014 General Chair, The Aerospace Corporation

End of General Workshop


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Sessions C16-C18
Special Session Agenda – held at The Aerospace Corporation

Session C16: Keynote Session

Introduction and Announcements
Frank Fong, Classified Workshop Chair, The Aerospace Corporation

Welcome Address
Dr. Mal De Ponte, Senior Vice President, National Systems Group, The Aerospace Corporation

Keynote Address
Ms. Jan Janssen, Director, Ground Enterprise Directorate, National Reconnaissance Office

Session C17: Plenary Session

Session C18: Panel Discussion: Cybersecurity in the Ground System

Joe Bannister
Principal Director, Computer Science and Technology Subdivision
The Aerospace Corporation

Patrick Dowd
Chief Architect, National Security Agency

Joshua Haines
Assistant Group Leader in the Information Systems Technology Group,
MIT Lincoln Laboratory

Daryl Hild
Associate Department Head, G021, AF & COCOM Security

Rami Razouk
Senior Vice President, Engineering and Technology Group
The Aerospace Corporation

Discussion/Q and A

Closing Remarks

Networking Hour


End of GSAW 2010

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